
Debian PowerPC e500v2 port, part 6

This is part of the Debian PowerPC e500 porting effort, the series on my blog starts at: "How to bootstrap a new Debian port"

Well, after all that work building new packages I figured it was time to see how far I could get at building a chroot filesystem and upgrading it to be current.  I'll be doing all of my work in "/srv/stuff", but you can use any volume you would like with several gigs of free disk space.

The first step is building a chroot with the most recent historical snapshot of the Debian-Ports archive that actually still worked, taken on 2011-04-03, at 00:58:02 GMT.  Note that the "unstable" and "experimental" archives don't include sources (see "omitdebsrc=true" below) as those must only be binary builds of upstream Debian sources.  The "unreleased" archive does include sources, as that is intended for packages which need temporary patches to build.

NOTE: I spent a few hours trying various ways to get the multistrap to pull some packages from the current archives (including my fresh-built stuff), but so much stuff was uninstallable (especially Perl stuff) that I determined it was less work to install an old archive and try to upgrade by hand.

First I created "/srv/stuff/e500chroot.multistrap.conf":
  aptsources=Old-Unstable Old-Experimental Old-Unreleased
  bootstrap=Old-Unstable Old-Experimental Old-Unreleased

  packages=build-essential debhelper fakeroot sbuild masqmail





Then I wrote "/srv/stuff/setup-e500chroot.sh" to copy QEMU into the chroot before starting the multistrap process:
  #! /bin/sh

  set -e


  install -d "${CHROOT}/usr/bin"
  install -t "${CHROOT}/usr/bin" "/usr/bin/qemu-ppc-static"
  install -d "${CHROOT}/usr/local/bin" "/usr/local/bin/qemu-e500v2-static"

  exec multistrap -f "${MULTISTRAP_CONF}"

I ran my multistrap wrapper script and waited about 5-10 minutes for the download and file extraction to complete.

WARNING: The chroot is NOT DONE YET!!!  It has been unpacked, but none of the packages have been configured yet (with "dpkg --configure -a"), because that needs to be run on the target system.

I tried to do the testing entirely on my amd64 workstation using the the QEMU procedure I described in "Using qemu-user-static to help the Debian e500 bootstrap".  Unfortunately I almost immediately started getting "Illegal instruction" exceptions out of QEMU; it looks like it might be fixed by this patch to qemu-ppc but I don't really feel like trying to rebuild all of QEMU for that.

So I need to get the files onto one of my actual HWW-1U-1A boards.  Fortunately for me, I have an old build of an initramfs (based on busybox and a few other things) which lets me do a very-basic NFS boot.  Unfortunately for anyone trying to do this over again, I don't have the original sources for that initramfs so I can't actually distribute it.  In that situation I strongly recommend formatting a plain old SATA disk with ext4 to do the multistrap onto; then just connect the disk to your hardware.

NOTE: This assumes that you already have an existing kernel you can boot on your hardware (probably from U-Boot) with everything you need built in.  Eventually you will need to switch to a Debian-standard kernel, don't worry about it for now.

Once I finish getting NFS and TFTP working I'll be back with another post.

Kyle Moffett

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