
Debian PowerPC e500v2 port, part 2

Well, I've been working again on the Debian powerpcspe port and there is a lot more progress to be had! (This series starts at: "How to bootstrap a new Debian port")

I left off last time after EGLIBC failed to build with errors about undefined references to "__stack_chk_guard".  It turns out the problem is that EGLIBC does not correctly detect the presence of support for the "-fstack-protector" GCC option, as per Debian bug #644662.  The fix is to download and apply this patch, which fixes the configure script test.

The second issue I ran into is that dpkg-gensymbols is not very good at finding all the relevant multi-arch libraries while trying to build packages, as per Debian bug #595144.  The fix there is an existing patch to the "dpkg" source package by Steve Langasek; it changes the "libdpkg-perl" binary package to fix the dpkg-gensymbols tool.

As a side note, it turns out that my previous gcc-4.6-cross-stage1-dep-fix-v2.patch broke non-bootstrap-stage builds of GCC.  As a result, I've posted a new version to Debian bug #644439; this one should handle native, cross, and cross-bootstrap builds fine although it's still undergoing compile tests here.

The final issue with the EGLIBC build is that it tries to build the "locales-all" package by executing the built binaries, which of course fails for cross-compiled EGLIBC (see Debian bug #644771).  The fix is trivial, simply don't build "locales-all" when cross-compiling, found in this patch.

So before we can retry building EGLIBC, we need to build an updated libdpkg-perl for our build host:

Step 6.1 - Building and installing a patched libdpkg-perl:
$ sudo apt-get build-dep dpkg=1.16.1
$ sudo apt-get source dpkg=1.16.1
$ curl -o 'Dpkg-Shlibs.pm-multiarch-search-paths.patch' \
$ patch -d dpkg-1.16.1 -p1 <Dpkg-Shlibs.pm-multiarch-search-paths.patch
$ ( cd dpkg-1.16.1 && dpkg-buildpackage -b -us -uc ) 2>&1 | tee dpkg.log
$ sudo dpkg -i libdpkg-perl_1.16.1_all.deb
Going back to the EGLIBC commands I listed previously for step 6, here is an updated version:

Step 6.2 - Commands to build a stage2 EGLIBC:
$ sudo apt-get build-dep eglibc=2.13-21
$ apt-get source eglibc=2.13-21
$ curl -o 'eglibc-2.13-cross-stage1-support.patch' \
$ curl -o 'eglibc-fix-ssp-detection.patch' \
$ curl -o 'eglibc-disable-cross-locales-all.patch' \
$ patch -d eglibc-2.13 -p1 <eglibc-2.13-cross-stage1-support.patch
$ patch -d eglibc-2.13 -p1 <eglibc-fix-ssp-detection.patch
$ patch -d eglibc-2.13 -p1 <eglibc-disable-cross-locales-all.patch... MAKE ANY OTHER CHANGES TO EGLIBC HERE ...
$ ( cd eglibc-2.13 && DEB_GCC_VERSION=-4.6 \
      dpkg-buildpackage -a"${MYARCH}" -B -us -uc ) 2>&1 \
      | tee eglibc-stage2.log
Once the build finishes, it will have produced a bunch of deb files, but you only actually need the libc6 and libc6-dev packages.  As before, we will eventually be able to install foreign architecture packages but for now we have to forcibly dpkg-cross them (with a few ignored dependencies).

Step 6.3 - Commands to install the stage2 EGLIBC:
$ sudo dpkg-cross -M -a "${MYARCH}" -X libc-bin -X libc-dev-bin -i \
After this completes we have a fully usable C library for our target architecture, and it's time for the final GCC cross-compiler build with all features enabled.

Step 7.1 - Commands to build a final full-featured GCC:
$ sudo apt-get build-dep gcc-4.6=4.6.1-13
$ apt-get source gcc-4.6=4.6.1-13
$ ( cd gcc-4.6-4.6.1 && DEB_GCC_TARGET="${MYARCH}" DEB_STAGE=stage2 \
  dpkg-buildpackage -b -us -uc ) 2>&1 | tee gcc-4.6-stage2.log
The final GCC build leaves about 23 packages lying around in the directory, and you should probably install all of them.

Step 7.2 - Command to install the final GCC:
$ sudo dpkg -i $(dcmd --deb gcc-4.6_4.6.1-13_*.changes)

NOTE: DO NOT UPLOAD ANY OF THE PACKAGES YOU BUILT!!!  They intentionally deviate from standard in various ways due to the cross-building process and you should wait until you can rebuild them natively before uploading.

Kyle Moffett

1 comment:

  1. Kyle, that's great. Thank you very much for your efforts, very helpfull.
